You need to be a paid member and have an account on the website. Please Contact Us if you need help with your account.

  1. Login to the site by clicking on the Members Only menu or by going to
  2. Login using your email and password
  3. Click on the Events menu from the navigation bar
  4. Click on the blue button Submit your Event

Here you can View Upcoming Events that you registered via the OTFA, View your Events Pending Approval and View your Past Events that you registered via the OTFA.

In addition you can Add New event. (please be aware that your event will be reviewed and approved by the board before showing, if you make any changes to the event, it will be on Pending mode until approved again.)

Now you have to fill up the following fields:

Event Name

Please enter a short but descriptive name of the event. Restrain of using special characters or long names, this is the name that will be used as a link for visitors. Examples:

Correct: 2020 United States Seminar or 2020 United States Tournament. This will translate to

In-Correct: 2020 The Best Seminar in the United State History With Master Goku Ryu. This will translate to Your event will not be approved.


Enter the beginning and end date of the event. If the event expand to more than one day, please select the starting day and the end day. For example: From Friday 13 2020 to Sunday 15 2020.

Event Starts at

If you have different schedules on a multi-day event, select the Starting time of the first day and the ending time of the last day. You will have the opportunity to write your schedule in the Details section.


Location Type: You can select from Physical Location.

Physical Location - If you selected Physical Location, you can start typing the name in the Location Name, if you previously had an event with us or is a common location the name will populate and will automatically fill the rest of the address. If this is a new location please type the new Location Name, Address, City/Town, State/County, PostCode, Country and any other URL if you have a registration website.

Zoom Events: If you event will be via Zoom, enter the word Zoom as the Location Name.


Here you can enter a description, details and more information about the event. Make sure you are very precise for the visitor to know exactly what to expect, pricing, special instructions to arrive, contact person, email, phone number, registration links, etc.


Select the type of event: Seminar or Tournament. If you event doesn't allocate on any of these two categories, choose any category and please Contact Us so we can add one for you.

Event Image

You can add your Event poster or Image to give more life to your event. Please be aware of these limits, if your image don't pass these limits, you will receive an error and sadly you will have to start over again entirely.

Minimum Image Resolution: 600 x 600

Maximum Image Resolution: 1200 x 1200

Maximum Image Size: 1MB

Click Submit Event, if you did everything correctly your event will get into Pending mode. Someone from the board will review your request and approve it or contact you for more information or changes. When the event is approved you will receive an email notification. Remember you can always come back with your login to add more events or change the ones you already listed with us, but every time you submit a change the event will get into Pending mode.

For more questions and answers you can Contact Us.